February 19, 2025

Lizabeth Cowman

Comfortable Home Environment

The 10 Commandments of Home Design


I’ve always loved interior design, but I’m no professional. I just have a knack for decorating and a lot of free time on my hands. So when my boyfriend and I bought our first house last year, I knew that we would need to start from scratch. We had spent every dime in our savings account on the down payment, so there was no way we could afford to hire an interior designer or contractor. But luckily for us (and you!), there are plenty of resources out there for do-it-yourselfers like me who want their home to reflect their style—and not some bank’s idea of what looks good in 2018.

Don’t be afraid to be bold.

Don’t be afraid to be bold. In home design, this means making a statement with colors, patterns and furniture that are more than just a little outside the norm. But don’t go overboard with it–a few well-placed pieces can make all the difference in your space (and won’t require an overhaul if you change your mind).

So what does “bold” mean? It depends on what kind of space you’re working with:

  • If your room is on the smaller side, any color will seem brighter than usual–so choose wisely!
  • If your room has high ceilings or lots of windows, consider using darker tones so they don’t overwhelm the space visually.
  • Consider adding some texture into the equation as well; bolder fabrics add depth without overwhelming any one element in particular (think stripes versus polka dots).

Have a plan, but be flexible.

It’s important to have a plan, but you should also be open to change. You may think that your floor plan is perfect and that nothing could possibly improve it–but in reality, there are always ways that you can make things better.

It’s important not only to consider how your home would look as it stands today but also how it might look in the future as well (for example: if you have children or pets). If something isn’t working now, it may work better down the road when more people are living in one space and sharing responsibilities like cooking meals together or cleaning up after themselves.

Also remember that sometimes things don’t go according to plan because they shouldn’t–and sometimes those unexpected twists lead us somewhere even better than our original idea!

Use color as your guide.

When it comes to color, there are three things you should keep in mind:

  • The color wheel. The most basic way to use color is by following the color wheel. This will help you choose complementary shades that complement each other and create a harmonious look for your home. For example, if you have red furniture pieces in your living room, try adding some green plants or pillows to balance out the space and give it an overall calm feeling (think complementary opposites).
  • Use color as a guide when decorating rooms with multiple pieces of furniture that have different styles and textures–it’ll help keep things cohesive without having them clash too much! If this sounds like something that might be useful for you then read on because we’re going into more detail below…

Be brave enough to use more than one pattern.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of using patterns, remember that they can be used in many different ways. You don’t have to use them all at once!

You can use one pattern in your living room and another in your bedroom. You can mix an abstract design with an animal print or floral print. The possibilities are endless–and so is the fun of creating something unique and personal for yourself or someone else.

Pay attention to the power of proportion.

Proportion is a simple concept, but it’s also one of the most important ideas in home design. Proportion is about balance–the balance between the size of a space and the objects in it; or between the size of objects in a room, and how they relate to each other.

Think about how you feel when you walk into a small room filled with large furniture pieces. Or maybe you’ve been to someone’s house where everything was just right: The furniture wasn’t too big or small; each piece had its own place on an even surface; there were no awkward gaps between things that needed filling up with random knickknacks. This sense of harmony comes from proportion!

When we talk about “proportions,” we’re talking about two things: 1) how big something looks compared to other things around it (e.g., if your couch looks huge next door), 2) what happens when we put different kinds together inside one space (e.,g., if all our chairs are different heights). For example: A sofa will seem smaller when paired with tall lamps than short ones; adding throw pillows makes any chair look more inviting; choosing rugs that are too small makes even good lighting seem insignificant because nothing stands out enough without contrast…

Balance symmetry with asymmetry.

Symmetry is a great way to create balance in your design. Symmetrical objects have equal sides and angles, which makes them pleasing to the eye.

Asymmetry, on the other hand, can add interest to an otherwise boring space. Asymmetrical objects have unequal sides and angles–but not always! Sometimes there’s an intentional reason for this imbalance (for example: if you want your kitchen island countertop to be wider on one side than another).

The key here is knowing when symmetry or asymmetry works best for you as well as knowing how they differ from each other so that you can choose wisely when designing your home interior or outdoor spaces

Work with your floor plan, not against it.

  • Make sure your furniture fits the space.
  • Make sure the room layout is functional.
  • Make sure the room layout is symmetrical.
  • Make sure the room layout is balanced, with an even number of items on either side of a focal point (such as a fireplace or painting).
  • Avoid cluttered rooms; try to keep things simple and streamlined so that nothing detracts from what’s important in your home: you!

Create flow and continuity throughout the house.

One of the most important things you can do to create a cohesive look and feel in your home is to ensure that there is flow and continuity throughout. You can do this by using the same color palette or theme throughout, and then using furniture, artwork, and other decor to create a seamless look. If you want your house to feel like one big room–and not just several rooms crammed together–then this rule should be followed closely!

The White House is an excellent example of creating flow through design: all rooms are connected via hallways with doors that open into each other (as opposed to having separate entrances). This allows visitors from one room or area of the house easily access another without having go through another door first (which might make them feel like they’re entering another world).

Let light in! (Bonus tip for living rooms and bedrooms)

One of the most important aspects of home design is natural light. Natural light can make a room feel more spacious, bright and airy, while too little of it can make a space feel closed-in and gloomy. It also helps set the mood–natural sunlight will create a cheerful atmosphere in your living room or bedroom while artificial lighting can help create an intimate vibe for relaxing evenings at home with loved ones.

Here are some tips on maximizing the amount of sun that shines into your living spaces:

  • For large windows (those measuring 5 feet wide or more), try using sheer curtains so that sunlight comes through but doesn’t shine directly onto furniture or flooring surfaces where it might cause damage over time from intense exposure to UV rays

With these tips and tricks, you’ll be set up to create an inviting, relaxing space that’s perfect for you and those closest to you

With these tips and tricks, you’ll be set up to create an inviting, relaxing space that’s perfect for you and those closest to you. You’ll be able to relax, unwind, and enjoy your home.


So, there you have it! The 10 Commandments of Home Design. We hope these tips will help you on your journey to creating the perfect home. Remember, it’s all about balance and proportion. And remember that every room needs a little bit of everything: symmetry as well as asymmetry; patterns and solids; bold colors mixed with neutrals. It may seem like an overwhelming process at first glance–but if you follow our advice, we promise that soon enough you’ll be able to design anything from scratch without breaking too much sweat!